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List of changes for Cenon CAM Version 3.9.x.


3.9.6 (2012-02-17)

  • New, Pick-Out: Display Tool Diameter with conical Tool, now displays true tool width.
    Especially with Pick Out the display closely matches the engraving result.
  • Fix, Pick-Out, Output: Stepwise cutting of 3-D Lines added
  • Fix, Pick-Out with Fill Angle: Standard Filling with Angle is supported now
  • Fix, Pick-Out with Filling: better to use, useless tool-change removed
  • Fix, Optimize Moves: output is updated reliably
  • Fix, Output: make debugging of init string easier by displaying failing command
  • Fix, Pre-Production: fixed a crash on output of filled circle, if tool equals circle diameter
  • Fix, Save Document with Output: calculated output paths of a loaded document can be re-saved
    without recalculation. Now it's really fixed [since 3.9.2]
  • Camera+Targeting: camera-window cannot be larger than resolution of camera-image
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting: offset of camera cannot violate machine area any more
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting: removed unnecessary move to Camera-Marker before/after Cutting
  • DXF-Import: added transformation of coordinates from Object- to World-coordinate system
  • Fix, PS-Import: files with special characters improved
  • Fix, TIFF-Export: save images

3.9.5 (2011-08-30)

  • New in Camera+Targeting: output with a closed eye of the Camera-Layer (Layer-Panel)
    will not transform the output
  • Curve Output: Stepping down of curve by moving back and forth along the curve (faster)
  • Camera+Targeting: the mode corner recognition now allows any object as markers,
    except Group and Path
  • Camera+Targeting: scanning of Marking Points without continuos transformation
    (too many log messages)
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting: Rubberband-Algorithm gets correct position of markers too
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting: wrong transformation fixed, in case not enough reference markers were found
  • Fix, Arc Output: filled Arc with Steps and ApproachAngle = 0 works now
  • Fix, Relief: Display improved, possible crash fixed, calculation improved
  • Fix, Contour-Fill: output contour even if we don't have filling (2011-08-29)
  • Design-License does not allow output into file Cenon
  • Fix, Translations: French translations for Operations included, Danish "Lock/Unlock",
    DXF-Import: Size alert was not translated, more fixes in translations
  • Fix, GNUstep: source package compiles again

3.9.4 (2011-05-12)

  • Fix, Stepwise Filling: with approach angle the last step is now processed, too
  • Fix, Layer: don't allow editing of layer details for passive layer,
    but allow editing of Clipping Layer
  • Fix, Display Output Switch: don't set document dirty if no output has been changed
  • Fix, Save: avoid multiple save of output paths
  • Fix, Save: output paths of loaded documents will be saved, even without recalculation [since 3.9.2]
  • Fix, Tool-Correction: handling of curves improved
  • New, Update-Panel: once a week at start of Cenon we automatically check for update
    this can be turned off in Preferences
  • Fix, Text: changing layers in Inspector ends editing of text
  • Fix, Update-Panel: never skip versions in manual check for Updates
  • Fix, Build Contour: works with all stroked objects, even with a distance of zero
  • Fix, Look: default stroke width (on screen) for filled objects is 1/10 pt now (was 1 pt)

3.9.3 (2011-01-10)

  • Fix Camera+Targeting: possible crash when closing camera-document fixed
  • Fix Camera+Targeting: transformation mode is saved now and not fall back to flexible material
  • Fix Camera+Targeting: major issue during output of scaled transform fixed
  • Fix Camera+Targeting: if distance between reference point is null, return something reasonable
  • Fix Export TIFF: export of documents containing text is working now
  • Fix Save: documents with a missing image can be saved
  • Fix, Gerber-Import: Trailing Zeros work now (Osmond PCB)

3.9.2 (2010-11-11)

  • Help-Menu: links to Web-Site, FAQ, etc. added
  • Fix, Output to Plotter: with PU/PD (no Z axis) we now lift and lower Z again
  • Fix, Layer-Details: number of steps limited to 99 (two digits)
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting: case with missing transform fixed
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting: Memory leak fixed
  • Fix, CNC750: handling of garbage from CNC-Controller without debugging mode
  • Fix, CNC750: Tool-Change Panel came too early, now corrected
  • Fix, Relief: small contour issue improved for special cases
  • Fix, Sinking: a Sinking in a group is now being rotated with the group

  • New: French translation of Cenon core user interface (thank you goes to Miguel Saro)
  • New, Text-Editing: Links can be added to a selected Text with
    "Format -> Text -> Add Link"
  • New: TIFF Export: the document will be saved as TIFF image (100% scale),
    antialiasing is added if enabled in preferences setting
  • New: Help menu now offers items with convenient links to Web-Site, FAQ, etc.
  • New: Check for Update. The menu "Help -> Check for Updates" checks whether
    updates for Cenon are available.
    If updates are available it announces them and if offered allows selection
    and download of the packages. The downloaded packages are opened in the Installer.
  • Document-Window: Units of coordinate display start with units from Preferences (not mm)
  • Sound-feedback enabled for editing functions
  • Fix, Text-Editing: allow editing of Links and Drag&Drop of characters from Character-Panel
  • Fix, crash fixed, when closing window without ending an open editing session of text
  • Fix, Inspector: Key-switches work without failure sound
  • Fix, Fill color: if fill color is black and stroke color is not, we now keep the correct fill color
  • Fix, Text, Apple: workaround to make mirror work again with Mac OS 10.5 and 10.6 (10.4 worked)
  • Fix, Apple: German Menu Format->Schrift->Ligaturen added
  • Fix, Apple: Relocation Flag in packages removed
  • Fix, GNUstep: load HPGL and Gerber files without explicitly setting Preferences Popup.
    Workaround for GNUstep issue to have a default import device for HPGL and Gerber,
    even if defaults are not being registered.
  • Fix, GNUstep, DXF-Import: load of DXF files with special characters improved. We try UTF-8 and Latin encoding, Bleistift.dxf example works with that.

3.9.1 (2010-04-03)

  • Fine Tuning of Cenon for manufacturing environment
    - Snapshot of workspace brings back all jobs when Cenon is started
    - Windows and Panels can be snapped to a grid for easier alignment
    - Inspector hides Scroller when not needed to save screen space
    - Tool-Panel will not be displayed whenever a document is clicked
  • Camera+Targeting: recognition of material corners. This can be used to recognize the
    position of a front panels, for example, without the need of markers.
    Including batch processing of items.
  • Camera+Targeting: Camera-Settings have a new switch "Transformation without Scaling"
    to allow non-elastic transformations for use with front panels or inlays.
    The exact size of the graphics will be preserved, only position and rotation
    is applied to the output.
    The angle of rotation is determined by the average of all measured markers.
    This transformation needs at least two markers.
  • Camera+Targeting: new transformation method
    - now works with unlimitted number of markers (at least three)
    - works flawless with points outside of grid markings and points on a marker
    - no bumps where graphic is crossing critical grid points
  • Camera+Targeting: If the eye in the layer-list is closed, the camera will be turned of
  • Output-Performance: Contour Filling/Rubout of Rectangle and Path are now done from
    inside to outside without lifting Z between filling and contour. Exception are Webs,
    Approach-Angle, and other cases, they are filled from outside to inside.
  • Fix Camera+Targeting: some bug fixes and adjustments
  • Fix, Positions: update units when changed in Preferences
  • Fix Rectangle: inlay works with rectangle too
  • Baudrates: added baudrates: 115200, 230400, 460800 (if supported by system)
  • CAM-Panel: any mouse click makes the CAM-Panel the key panel
  • Fix, CAM-Panel: double click on Start-Button is ignored to avoid accidental Stop
    after just being started
  • Fix, CAM-Panel: Prevent that both Xyz and Cenon can open Alert Panels and hang
  • Fix, Output: corrected a (not critically) messed up starting point with layers
    having no tool assigned.

  • Two new menu items in the Window menu (Take Snapshot and Restore Snapshot) to make a
    snapshot of all open documents and their screen locations.
  • Preferences: Window Grid for easier positioning and resizing of windows within a grid
  • Tool-Panel: will not be force to be displayed when Document is clicked
  • Inspector automatically removes Scroller if not needed
  • Editing: right mouse click ends editing and exits editing mode
  • Danish Interface of Cenon core added. Thanks goes to Erik Richard Sorensen !
  • Fix, Inspector:
    - resizing of fields added for Path and Text-Inspector
    - Tab works on all inspector fields now
  • Fix, Image-Formats:
    - Extensions added to open images of kind: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif with open panel
    - Mac OS 10.6: Extensions added to allow dragging of jpg, gif, png into Cenon
    (worked < 10.6)
  • Fix, Precision: Files are saved with double precision now (1000 times higher resolution)
  • Fix, Batch-Printing: works with window smaller than document now
  • Fix, Magnifying Glass: click without drag scales to next zoom step only (not 5000%)
  • Fix, DXF-Import/DXF-Export: circles with negative angle work now in import and export
  • Fix, DXF-Import: precision of vertical arc-segments improved
  • Fix, Gerber-Import: G03 issue fixed, possible endless loop fixed
  • Fix, PathContour with arc: handling of extreme Arcs improved
  • Fix, PathContour: path direction corrected
  • Fix, Rectangle Contour: snapping over of corner radius prevented
  • Fix, GNUstep: Workaround to make documents with rotated text work
  • Fix, Apple 10.6: workaround for importing certain images where size is given smaller
    than the true size of the image. They were loaded as thumbnail images.
  • Fix, Apple 10.6: workarounds to allow saving of images in formats other than TIFF
    on Snow Leopard
  • Fix, Apple 10.6: Icons in some windows are displayed correctly again (not zoomed)
  • Fix, Apple <10.6: display Single Line Fonts without antialiasing to make them visible
    on Mac OS < 10.6

3.9.0 (2009-05-11) - CNC-750 Maintenance Release:

  • Fix, Output CNC750: in case of unexpected return strings, the input stream stays consistent
  • Fix, Output CNC750: querying the serial number work for CNC750
  • Fix, Output: in case of error when switching a switch, display error code (not command)
  • Fix, Output: Prevent reenabling Switches during output
  • Fix, Output: Filling of Path containing Circles and circle-intersecting filling lines improved
  • Fix, Relief: Relief from Graduated Filling works fine now also with special Angles

3.9.0 (20.04.2009) - Camera-Maintenance Release:

  • Fix Camera+Targeting: SearchAngle also works if Origin of machine is upper left
  • Fix Camera+Targeting: get right position for generated Objects with Edge- and PrototypeMode
  • Fix Camera+Targeting: Output improved, so that Start/Stop works reliable
  • Fix Camera+Targeting: Do not write camera stuff in other file

3.9.0 (2009-04-03)

  • New major Feature: Camera-Gauging with Marker and Corner-Recognition
    the output will be transformed (moved, scaled, rotated) to fit the measurement.
  • New: Relief strongly extended: now relief works on all Color-Shaded graphic
  • New: Project-Settings (General, CAM, Camera)
    - unit of measurement per document
    - most CAM settings like "Raster-Algorithm", "Optimize Moves" per document
  • New: Angular Approach for all filled Graphic Objects
    faster optimized output removing some moves
  • New: CAM Control-Panel (switch-box): Titles of switches can be set.
    Status of the switches during output can be defined.
    Both is done in the device configuration, using the entries
    #SW1 - #SW4. For more information see the Cenon CAM manual 3.9.
    #SW1 "Command On" "Command Off" "Titel" 1
    #SW2 "Command On" "Command Off" "Titel" 0
  • new serial number entry (#GSN) in device configuration
    get serial number #GSN "command" "prefix" "suffix"
  • Layer-Panel: Contour-Fill / Standard-Fill can be set per layer
  • Tool TipAngle: Minimum TipAngle of tools reduced to 1 Degree
  • Stepping down of a single Line, PolyLine, Arc (without radius-
    correction), the element is processed by moving back and forth with
    no move in between.
  • Output of filled Circle:
    Circle without angular approach is filled from inside to outside
    with angular approach from outside to inside.
  • Cenon Documentation extended and updated
  • Contour-Fill: strongly improved
  • Pick-Out: many improved, including 2nd tool, curves, arcs
  • Experimental: Control-Panel (English) allows F1 - F5 for switches
  • Fix Layer-Panel, Apple: double click on Tool always works
  • Fix, Tool-Parameter: Changing tool parameters during output corrected
    (no danger any more)
  • Fix, Sinking: initial size now fits the label M4
  • Fix, Apple: Custom Sinkings don't log exceptions any more
  • Display of settlement switches improved
  • many more improvements
  • New: Cenon CAM Brochure
  • Documentation: extended and improved

  • New: Project-Settings: settings like unit of measurement
    for each document.
  • New: more Image Formats can be used with Cenon, if supported
    by the system, ex. JPG, GIF, PNG, ... (saves a lot of disk space!)
  • Template-Layer:
    - display date mask of form "#DATE_%Y-%m-%d %H:%M#". See the MultiPage.cenon example for details.
    - also display non-template elements from even and odd template
    - draw templates in order of pages (in front or behind elements of the pages)
  • LayerDetails: new switch to exclude layers from batch printing/production
  • Image: selection handling improved
    - select at border or inside according to preferences setting
    - for clipped images: select at or inside clipped area
  • Text: New empty text is removed, no asterisk '*' when clicking around in text mode.
    Emptying an existing text will leave "EMPTY TEXT", so the text box can be reused.
  • Fix, pasting of several layers to one layer keeps order of graphics
  • Fix, Image: splitting of clipped image keeps image behind path
  • Fix, Text: creating a text at the right border of the document,
    now sets the correct text box in all zoom steps
  • Fix, Text with Paragraph/Character-Colors is working again
  • Fix, Text: improvements of redisplay after editing text
  • Build Contour: Text offset Y fixed again for vertical centered text
  • Cosmetics in Inspectors, Knobs, Working-Area Panel, etc.
  • Groups can now be selected by "Select Color"
  • Filling: Axial Filling faster and better
  • Unfilled paths are now drawn with Stroke Color
  • Fix, Apple: scrolling without clutter
  • Fix, Rotate Object: skips locked objects now
  • Import: load Files with extensions in any case (like eps, EPS, Eps)
  • PS-Import: error-tolerant import of PostScript from Windows applications
    like Corel-Draw, Eurocut, etc., that often contain garbage before data.
  • Fix, PS-Import via GhostScript: imported objects get a default color
  • Fix, Gerber-Export: export of open Paths, stacked paths, and more
  • Fix, Apple: position of the contour of mirrored text corrected
  • Fix, Apple: newly created text gets textbox a little heigher to be displayed more safely
  • Fix, Apple: workaround - finally it's now possible to save Cenon
    documents compatible with OpenStep and GNUstep
  • Fix, Apple: workaround - it's now possible to save 4 bit images on Apple
  • Fix, Apple: workaround for new color spaces added in OS X >= 10.4
    The new colors turned to black on saving.
  • Fix, Apple, German: The Decimal Separator on the numeric keypad creates a Decimal Point now
  • Apple: search of Cenon files in Library/Application Support/Cenon added

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