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List of changes for Cenon CAM Version 4.0.x.


4.0.6 - (2017-07-04)

  • Fix, Save Output: cancel improved
  • Fix, Save Output: if output is halted, don't wait for characters from the wait command
  • Fix, Countersink: improved depth of hole (d1) for more than one step
  • Fix, Layer-Panel: update CAM-Panel, if layer is added, renamed, display, editing, order changed
  • Fix, Inspector: update layers, if order of layers has been changed in CAM-Panel
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting: log issues with camera transformation
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting: potential Crash when displaying output
  • CAM-Panel: for manual tool change, we don't remove the old tool name.
    The new tool name is displayed before gauging
  • Fix, Contour-Fill: possible array overflow fixed (3 locations)

  • Fix, color shades: possible division by zero fixed
  • Fix, DXF-Export: export of closed Paths corrected [since 4.0.4]
  • Fix, Text Path: handle return character within text
  • Fix, Transform-Panel: scale absolute for 0-sized objects
  • Fix, Punch: issue in certain situations fixed
  • Fix, Sierra: workaround for saving TIFF images

4.0.5 - (2016-11-22)

  • Fix, Threads: outward thread applying a drill-thread-cutter could destroy thread for uneven depths
  • i-cut Import: extention .icut and .ICUT added
  • Fix, PickOut: outside edges improved
  • Fix, Contour Fill: handling of curves improved, keep long lines when closing path
  • Fix, machine area (gray rectangle) is moving (again) while positioning machine
  • Fix, CAM-Panel: keep default switch titles, if not provided in configuration (#SW1)
  • Fix, Display Output: potential crash
  • Fix, Flexible Automation: subpaths are working again
  • Fix, Contour-Fill: improved (possible division by zero)
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting: improved (possible division by zero) //+ Tool radius compensation (left, right): inside correction = cutting against rotation
  • Webs: webs inside groups are applied now
  • Tool radius compensation (left/right): inside correction = cutting against rotation
  • Smoothing/Settlement: without a last step, smoothing is applied separately
  • Fix, Set Start Point: start point can not be set for open paths
  • Fix, Filling: last line not exactly at bounds end, offset ecactly on bottom
  • Fix, Start Spindle: turn on spindle at move height as default or #RVU = 0 (since 4.0.4)
  • Fix, PickOut: sharp edges outside peaks improved
  • Fix, PickOut: division by 0 fixed
  • PCB: postition of BlowUp and RubOut layer can be before or behind Isolation layer
  • Fix, Contour-Fill: tight fits + big tool improved
  • Fix, Countersink: improved in certain situations
  • Fix, Tool Parameters: Lowering speed of knife is updated, when changing tool

  • Mac OS 10.12, Sierra: crash fixed caused by removed function
  • DXF-Import: improved (skip SPLINE frame control point in POLYLINE)
  • Fix, Calculus: potential issue (division by zero)
  • Fix, Contour: Crash in very complex paths fixed
  • Fix, Path Contour: improved
  • Fix, Rectangle: copied rectangle includes direction
  • Fix, Set Start Point: start point can not be set for open paths
  • Fix, Calculus: potential issue fixed (division by zero)
  • Fix, Batch: 4.0.3 documents open with default-arrows pointing right/up [since 4.0.3]
  • Fix, Inlays: improved
  • Fix, Contour + Filling: again some bugs less
  • Fix, Output calculation: adding/removing a point to/from Path or Polyline now recalculates
  • Fix, Document-Window: caching issue fixed, which could result in a crash when closing a document
  • Fix, Text-Path: resize via Inspector works again [since 4.0.0]

4.0.4 - (2016-01-27)

  • New in CAM Control-Panel: Automatic Switches.
    Additional parameter in Switch configuration of device file (.dev). Example:
    Switch 1 #SW1 "Command On" "Command Off" "Title" 0 1
  • New in CAM Control-Panel: "Save Position" Button to save current position
  • Fix, Adjust-Z: Alert asking to remove the contact plate before moving to start position
  • New, Turn on Spindle before lowering Z: "#RVU 1" will turn on the spindle (before lowering to move height)
  • Alert added when starting Cenon, alerting if tool hasn't been removed properly
  • New: Automatic Tool Change directly controlled by Cenon (as compared to Controller based Tool Change)
    Tool 1 #T01 "CMD get tool" "CMD remove tool"
    Tool 2 #T02 "CMD get tool" "CMD remove tool"

    If the commands above (#T01...) don't include gauging, gauging is needed in Cenon:
    Measure Tool #TMZ "CMD Gauging" "Return Format"
    Measure Tool #TMZ "GV17550,30;GV,,3000;ME3,1,5,1,5000;GV,,0;" "ME3=%f"
  • Baud Rates added: 57600, 76800 baud
  • Start: force quit (dormant) output processes before starting the true one
  • Output: break down long instruction (for example #INI) to make output work with broken HW handshake (Mac FTDI driver?)
  • Output: Return Code management improved
  • Output: do not move to start position if we have an automatic tool change
  • Fix, Output: after tool change, move machine at highest Z level towards starting point
  • Debug-Log: Device-file with #BUG = 1: single ";" are not logged. #BUG = 2: verbose logging
  • Fix, Mac OS >= 10.8 (Mountain Lion): debug logs are logged to console again
  • Licensing: valid key = black, invalid key = red, pending key = orange.
    tolerant with leading or trailing blanks
  • Fix, Sinking: improved for certain custom sinking metrics
  • Fix, CAM Panel: display correct values after start
  • Fix, Save Output: console warning removed
  • Fix, Tool-Parms: rename is displayed immediately
  • Fix, CAM-Panel: check Z range before starting output
  • Fix, PickOut: output of selected elements works with filling now
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting, 32 Bit: skip internal cameras
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting, 32 Bit: possible exception with OS X 10.5 / older QuickTime versions
  • New, Xyz: timeout of reference drive can be configured now (#RFT)
    adjustment drive time [s] #RFT 60
  • Fix, CNC Commands: lift Z bevor sending the commands
  • Fix, Contour: to one side for Arc
  • Fix, Contour Left/Right: improved
  • Fix, Control-Panel (English): "x5:, "x10" buttons removed (until implemented)
  • Fix, Levelling: show remove tool Alert for Levelling too
  • Fix, Sinking: dipping depth corrected in certain situations
  • Fix, PickOut: path integrity improved
  • Fix, Move Height: default = 1.0, minimum = 0.1 mm (could become 0.0)
  • Fix, Standard Fill: final horicontal line added, better connection between lines
  • Fix, Stop Output: handle auto switches (controller only executes asynchronous commands after !S;)
  • Fix, PickOut: filling of large arcs improved
  • Fix, Settlement (Smoothing): last step is combined with smoothing (for multiple steps, without "settle before")
  • Control-Panel: sliders have 10% per tick mark now (14.3% before)
  • Fix, Output with Approach angle: Ignore collapsed Arcs in output, log warning but no output

  • Tool-Panel: German localization (Tool-Tips) added
  • Fix, DXF-Import: formatting code removed from string (AutoCAD >= 13)
  • Fix, DXF-Export: export of open Paths with multiple sub-paths
  • Fix, Gerber-Export: select tool for path elements
  • Fix, Groups: drag select with text or images without logging to console
  • Fix, Mac OS X 10.10: restrict document cache to a size Yosemite / Retina displays can handle
  • Fix, Mac OS X 10.10: Zoom (+/-) works now with Yosemite
  • Fix, Open File: catch console warning of open/save panel
  • Fix, Batch: New Documents open with Arrows pointing right and up
  • Fix, Add Point: Undo with multiple selected objects improved
  • Fix, Rotating Arcs with tool improved
  • Fix, Undo of Drag Point improved
  • Internal: Source prepared for SDK 10.10 issues (display functions redesigned)
  • SVG-Import: quadratic bezier curve implemented (q, Q, t, T)
  • Fix, SVGImport: stroked rect closed
  • Fix, Contour Left/Right: improved
  • New, Import: Preferences setting (Import -> Move to Origin) to move imported files to origin or not
  • PS-Import: improved to handle insane EPS files by pre-converting to simpler EPS
  • Printing: paper margins set to Null (stupid Apple redundancy since Mac OS 10.8)
  • Fix, Raster Contour, Mac OS 10.10: Retina/Yosemite workaround for large working areas
  • Fix, Contour Left/Right for Arc: improved (should have been here since 2015-08-11)
  • Import: document gets the name of the imported file (not UNTITLED)
  • Fix, DXF-Import: certain Arcs with 180 degree angle or extrusion direction were inverted (extrusion Z = -1)
  • Export: extensions with three letters added:
    "cenon", "cen"
    "gerber", "ger"
    "hpgl", "hgl", "plt"
    "tiff", "tif"
  • Fix, Text: selecting (by click) rotated text improved
  • Fix, Undo: change length Undo (Inspector)
  • Fix, Mac OS 10.10 (Yosemite): import directory is preserved for save
  • Fix, Mac OS 10.10 (Yosemite): double clicking title bar of document window will fold up window (not full screen mode)
  • Fix, Mac OS 10.11 (El Capitan): open document works
  • Fix, Mirrored Text: after resize, mirrored text could turn invisible (Mac OS 10.8 - 10.10)
  • Fix, Rotated Text: locked rotated text is not moving any more after editing
  • Fix, Undo: Undo for Fill object
  • Fix, Contour: possible crash fixed for Curves with zero length (or control points equal end points)

4.0.3 - (2015-02-10)

  • New, Tool-Radius Compensation: tool compensation of open graphics to left or right (option in CAM Preferences)
  • Packages for new Gatekeeper of Mac OS 10.9 (Mavericks) and 10.10 (Yosemite)
  • Copyright changed from vhf interservice to Cenon GmbH (App-Id changed to "com.Cenon")
  • CAM-Panel, Control-Pane: save output to file via Start button (if no device is configured)
  • CAM-Panel: the Maschine Control-Pane stays on screen, even when Cenon is not active.
    If the CAM-Panel is opened at start (Preferences: "Show CAM-Panel on Start"), then the CAM-Panel is omnipresent.
  • DIN/G-Code Output: G02, G03 variants implemented: X Y R and X Y I J (in addition to R A B and X Y A B):
    arc  cw (end x, end y, radius)             #G02 "G2 X%.3f Y%.3f R%.3f\n"
    arc ccw (end x, end y, radius)             #G03 "G3 X%.3f Y%.3f R%.3f\n"
    arc  cw (end x, end y, offset x, offset y) #G02 "G2 X%.3f Y%.3f I%.3f J%.3f\n"
    arc ccw (end x, end y, offset x, offset y) #G03 "G3 X%.3f Y%.3f I%.3f J%.3f\n"
  • Output to file: send init strings
  • Device configuration: Z can be inverted with #ORZ
    Z origin (0=down zero, 1=up zero) #ORZ 0
  • Devices: RS-274 files added to new folder NC, DIN files moved there too
  • CAM-Preferences: we now allow saving the value of "Use Raster Algorithms"
  • CAM-Preferences: "No Machine" entry added
  • Optimize Moves: optimize each part of a batch individually (if Optimize Moves is activated in Preferences)
  • Optimize Moves: fast in all situations now
  • Optimize Moves: Default changed to OFF
  • PickOut: automatically correct small overlaps in path before calculating
  • PickOut: improvements to reduce tool changes in filling
  • PickOut: Pickout with contour filling is very good now
  • Speed: Pickout and PCB are not re-calculated when switching Layers (with optimize Moves turned on)
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting: fixed crash with approach angle
  • Fix, Output: direction of groups, text, PolyLine in output path corrected
  • Fix, Output: improved debug and error logging
  • Fix, Output: displaying output of empty layers with batch corrected [since 4.0.2]
  • Fix, CAM-Panel, Control-Pane: resize width of switches

  • New, Scale of 125% added
  • New, Import: Import of Cenon files ".cenon" added (Menu > File > Import)
  • New, Batch: more intuitive and flexible (with directional arrows)
  • Convenience: link from HOME/Documents/Cenon -> HOME/Library/Application Support/Cenon
  • Fix, DXF-Import: Pass color down the graphics hierarchy
  • Fix, DXF-Import: corrected Arcs with extrusion direction
  • Fix, Intersection Panel: create only one graphics for many intersection at one point
  • Fix, Update-Panel: same version, later date works now
  • Fix, SVG-Import: crash fixed when importing text
  • Fix, Image: Zoom of scaled images works again [4.0.2, 2014-02-28]
  • Fix, Curve: calculations of curves with only 3 points improved
  • Fix, Arc Clipping: arc sections completely inside Clipping Rectangle improved
  • Fix, PolyLine: moving of start/end points improved
  • Fix, Vectorizer: vectorizing on Yosemite (OS 10.10) repaired

4.0.2 - (2014-01-15)

  • Optimize Moves: new option to optimize Paths and PolyLines. This can be activated in the Project-Settings.
  • Fix, Relief on Image: Display Output shows dipping depth as shades of gray
  • Fix, CAM-Panel: switch box is resizing
  • Fix, ICut Import improved
  • Fix, Mirrored Layers: for closed objects the direction now changes automatically
  • Fix, Contour PolyLine: smoothing and inlay is handled now

  • Zoom with Command + / -
  • Grid: the Menu Format->Grid has assigned new key shortcuts:
    Cmd-* (On/Off), CMD-Alt-* (Panel), and Cmd-Shift-* (Align to Grid)
  • Transparency in Color-Panel
  • DXF-Import: import font of text if available
  • New: Opening a document restores scale factor
  • Fix, 64 Bit: 64 Bit improvements
  • Fix, Printing: set minimum line width to Preferences setting
  • Fix, AI-Import: more tolerant handling of string encodings
  • Fix, Arc Contour: accuracy improved
  • Fix, Rectangle: selection of rectangles with round corners improved
  • Fix, DXF-Import: place inserts on correct layer
  • Fix, DXF-Export, Apple: workaround for special characters in layer names
  • Fix, Move graphics: grabbing of selected graphics at control point is possible now
  • Fix, Rotate Object(s): Improvements
  • Fix, GNUstep: some fixes to make Cenon compile on Windows (thank's to Jason Whiteman)
  • Fix, Apple: Mavericks (OS 10.9): we rewrote the graphics cache of Cenon to work with Mavericks (OS 10.9)

4.0.1 - (2012-11-11)

  • Snow-Leopard: 10.6 (Snow-Leopard) has to be run in 32 Bit mode, better update to 10.7 (Lion)
  • New, Camera+Targeting: 64 bit camera support for Mac OS >= 10.7 (Lion) and UVC video grabbers,
    using new AVCapture framework
  • Camera+Targeting: prefer external cameras over built-in iSight
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting: Clipping Rectangle is supported now
  • Fix, Camera+Targeting: prefer horicontal or vertical aligned markers for better results with distorted prints
  • Magazine-Panel: double click on tool in magazine opens tool parameters
  • Fix, Output: Cenon will not hang on start when device is missing
  • Fix, Control-Panel: Adjust Z will be turned off whenever something unrelated is clicked

  • Code-Signing for GateKeeper / Mountain Lion added
  • Package Requirements: >= Mac OS 10.5 (Leopard), Intel Processor
  • Snapshots: close documents before opening snapshot
  • Fix, Drag-Select: selection of groups improved

4.0.0 (2012-07-19)

  • New: Import of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)
    Millions of vector data are readily available on the Internet, Signs, Logos, Crests, Symbols, Icons and more are waiting for download and manufacturing. After often just a few tweaks with Cenon, the graphics is ready for machining.
    There just is no better way to save time!
  • New: Graphic objects can be excluded from machining
    A new Inspector switch "Exclude" allows exclusion of objects from output.
    This allows placing of instructions or measures on the same layer used for output.
  • New, Embedded CNC-Commands:
    Text starting with #COMMAND_BEG#" or "#COMMAND_END#" is interpreted as direct CNC Command. The rest of the string goes as is to the machine.
    COMMAND_BEG will be send to the machine at the beginning of the layer, but after the tool has been selected (if any).
    COMMAND_END is send to the machine at the end of the layer.
    See example: Library/CAM/Jobs/EmbeddedCNCExample.cenon
  • New, Limited Version:
    no Pick Out, no Contour Fill, no Embedded Commands, no Barcode, no import of Text Lists
    Size Limit: 400x400x150 mm
    Resolution Limit: 1/100 mm
  • New, approach of circle from center: a thread now allows a pitch of zero degree.
    This will cut a circle being approached from the center.
  • New, Improved Knife-Cutting: Cutting with a tangential knife now allows to skip a
    defined distance before and after sharp corners to improve cutting quality.
    The Tool-Parameter Panel allows selecting a knife tool and provides two new fields
    to add the parameters for the distance before and after corners.
  • Control-Panel: (2012-03-21)
    - flexible number of switches, up to 10 switches (#SW1 - #SW10) are supported.
    The switches can be configured in the device configuration
    - old CNC450 Controllers: titles can be set by adding "#SW1" - "#SW4" commands to device configuration.
    For example:
    switch 1 (on off title isSafeFlag) #SW1 "" "" "Vacuum" 1
    switch 1, vacuum (port, bit, auto) #OS1 2 6 0
  • Optimize Moves improved.
    + optimize direction of open graphic elements.
    + optimize from one layer to next layer.
  • Goto Parking-Position can be set from Positions in CAMPanel, and if desired for each job separately
  • Tool-Parameters: changes are accepted by pressing Tab key (as well as Enter)
  • Tool-Magazine: load default-magazine in primary language, if available
  • Manual Tool Change: (2012-07-17)
    new entry #TOS in device configuration to allow faster but less safe Start procedure
    (see Release Notes for Details)
  • Device Files: device configurations can be located in sub-folders too
  • Fix, LayerPanel: enable tools as needed, even when Document has been opened before CAM-Panel
  • Fix, Output: make debugging of init string easier by displaying failing command
  • Import Text: moved to CAM module

  • New: Vectorizing Images. A new menu entry "Tools -> Vectorize Images" opens the new Vectorising Panel.
    Vectorization of Images to lines and curves is supported.
  • New, Apple: 64 bit binary for Intel processors added
    3-way universal binary (Intel 64 bit, Intel 32 bit, PPC 32 bit)
  • New, Transform-Panel: scale absolute added
  • New, Set starting point of a selected Path
    1. select a point of a Path
    2. from the menu chose "Edit -> Set Start"
  • New in Open-Panel: Buttons to jump to Cenon locations:
    Cenon-Library, Cenon User-Library, Cenon Documents
  • New in Intersection-Panel: creation of objects from Marks, Threads, Sinkings, Webs
  • Batch: more effective sorting of columns, 1. upwards, 2. downwards, 3. upwards, ...
  • Build Contour: created graphic will be selected
  • Tool-Tips in ToolPanel, Edit-Menu, Tool-Menu added
  • Import DXF: import 3D Lines and 3D Faces (so far as lines only)
  • Import PDF/PS: Alert if GhostScript is not installed
  • Import PS: PostScript Operators for character displacement added (xshow, yshow, xyshow).
    When keeping texts editable (no flatten text), the displacement will be ignored.
  • Grid: every tenth line is drawn thicker for better overview
  • Select Object: no annoying beep when locked object is being selected
  • Text: editing a locked Text will not adjust the size of the text box any more
  • Working Area Panel: changes are accepted by pressing Tab key (as well as Enter)
  • Editing, Snap: address issue where snap to point skips some points
  • Inspector: improve setting of angles
  • Layer-Inspector: Fast switching on and off of a layer does not open the Layer-Details Panel any more.
  • Apple, Text: Horizontal fitting of text improved
  • manual updated

© Cenon GmbH - the sense of motion